In the Entrepreneur Middle East January 2015 issue, Sahar Madanat, a renowned product designer and founder of her design consultancy, shared her approach to balancing form and function in design. Madanat emphasized the importance of creating products that people both need and desire, rather than merely replicating existing market solutions. Her passion for solving everyday problems through design has earned her numerous international awards, including the Red Dot Award and Spark Concept Awards.
Sahar also highlighted the challenges of developing a design culture in the Middle East, particularly the scarcity of industrial design programs and qualified talent. Despite these hurdles, she is committed to fostering innovation in the region, advocating for increased investment in R&D to position MENA as a global leader in product design and innovation. Madanat’s studio, based in Amman, serves as a platform to nurture local talent and contribute to the region’s design landscape.