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Twelve Degrees Store
Explore our collection of award winning products handcrafted in Jordan: Each product tells a story of craftsmanship and design mastery.
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Attention to detail
We take pride in our unwavering attention to detail. With a thorough understanding of manufacturing, we work hard to create sustainable products that are also beautiful and functional.
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About us

Welcome to Twelve Degrees Store, your go-to destination for award-winning products and gifts designed and crafted in Jordan. Our selection showcases items that narrate tales of authenticity and innovation, with a keen focus on both usability and sustainability.

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Delivery & Returns

To deliver your favorite products, we have partnered with the most reliable companies. We are ready to entrust them with your orders and are always on your side if something goes wrong.

We will be happy to assist you with eligible returns, the return instructions, and the shipping address. If you need a return or exchange, send us an email so we can discuss a replacement.